Friday, July 27, 2007

Which bone are you??

I have my home page set to the Way of the Master Minute and most if not all of the time the devotionals tend to smack me right in the face. I found this one kinda interesting. I could see people I know and come across on a daily basis in each one of these scenarios, it sort of reminded me of the Parable of the Sower. Where are you? IF your not at the Goliath stage yet what will it take to move you there? I certainly don't expect anyone to comment on their spiritual state, but I do hope if you aren't where you need to be this will be the wake up you need.

Friday, July 27, 2007 The Backbone

It would seem that there are only three types of people in this world-the jawbone, the wishbone, and the backbone.

The jawbone says he will do something for God one day. He never puts his muscle where his mouth is. He prays about things, but never does them.

The wishbone gazes with starry eyes at his godly heroes and wishes he could be like them. His is a world of dreams. He wishes he could preach, write, pray, sing and dance. Yet, no one ever did anything without doing something. An aspiration will only become a realization with perspiration. If he wants to see revival, he should stop wishing and start fishing, but his dreams are not fuel enough to motivate him.

But the backbone sees Goliath and runs toward him. He leaves the fat cat of indifference sleeping by the fire.

There goes another minute. Gone forever. Go share your faith while you still have time.

1 comment:

Cherie said...

Wow, that was really great!