Friday, December 14, 2007

You Will Know Them by Their Fruit

Hmmm, October 24th since my last post? Well, no need to rush into anything I guess.

Michael sent this to me the other day and I thought it was relevant to the world today and in our own family recently. Should we question? I think we watch, probe and correct wrong thinking. I personally, I'm sure there are many who disagree with me on this, never take someone at their word when they profess to being a believer. Usually it only takes a few simple non-offensive, we have to be, questions to see where someone truly is in their relationship with Christ. Don't forget according to the latest stats, 85% of Americans are professing Christians, yet we kill more babies than any other civilized or third world country in the world. We also have this battle raging on the definition of marriage. Which again, no other civilized or third world country has even considered because not even animals in the wild mate with their own kind. I would think that would be simple if America was filled with that many believers. Anyway, I could get way off the topic heading in this direction.

Looking forward to hearing what people think on this.

Should We Question Professions of Faith? Quoting Mark Dever . . .

"Sometimes I get the feeling that people think there's something wrong with questioning the reality of a profession of faith. It's legalistic, or judging, or holier than thou. Or something. But if evangelists want to see lost sinners saved, and if evangelists know that we sinners can deceive ourselves, then it's not surprising that we want to try to make sure (with all appropriate qualifications about our limitedness) that conversions professed are conversions possessed. Or is it just sour-faced theologians who think about such things? Are preachers who think about such things unevangelistic?

Here's what one preacher said, reflecting on Jesus' parable of the sower and the soils.

"There are so many stony ground hearers, who receive the Word with joy, that I have determined to suspend my judgment till I know the tree by its fruits. I cannot believe they are converts until I see fruit brought back; it will never do a sincere soul any harm."

Does such a determination seem uncharitable or unevangelistic? What preacher would say such a thing? That was George Whitefield. I don't think George Whitefield was unevangelistic for wanting to know a tree by its fruit, and neither are we today. In fact, I think such a concern would actually help our churches to do more real evangelism. And besides, as Whitefield says, such caution "will never do a sincere soul any harm."

What should we do? Encourage the new believer in all things good. Remind them of the gospel. After some appropriate time (which would vary much from case to case) they should be baptized and join a church. They should regularly hear the preaching of the Word, commune, fellowship, pray and obey the Word. They should be building relationships in order to do that. And they should be told to hope in Christ alone for their salvation. Our desire is to find every professor getting safely home to heaven.

And then what about counting converts?
The final tally will be made by God in due time. And that's the only tally that matters. "