Saturday, August 18, 2007

Michael to GFA

Well the day finally arrived for Michael to head off to GFA and I think everyone did very well. I can speak for myself anyway. I'm sure Dreama will blog on this same subject and I'll let her speak for herself.

Michael has been waiting for this day since the day he felt God calling him to go to GFA. I remember that day myself, it was a Saturday in February. Dreama and I were in Jefferson having much needed R&R and Michael was home alone, for the first time I believe. Dreama and I were riding around looking at old houses and Michael called me with so much excitement in his voice it almost brought tears to my eyes, if you can believe that. He had gone out with Robert to the bus station in Dallas that Friday night then they met up with some other friends and headed to GFA for an all night prayer meeting GFA holds once a month. Michael told me he had never felt the presence of the Holy Spirit like he did that night/morning. People praying for one another, someone sharing a Pslam or a song. He told me over the phone that day that was the place he needed to be. I had no clue what GFA was and after we, or I should say after he, talked I told him we would check into it when I got home.

Sometimes younger people get caught up in the moment as do some adults and the fire fizzles after a bit and things return to the way they were. GFA was different for Michael, he was still in high school unsure of what he needed to do but GFA kept surfacing. We and all his band directors knew he could get a music scholarship to just about any univeristy he wanted to attend but he told me he was unsure how he could glorify God in it. He applied to Criswell and GFA at the same time. I think much to his dismay he was accepted to both. I have never asked him, but I think he thought if he was not accepted to Criswell that would be the sign for him to go to GFA. Either way my only advice to Michael was to seek God and he would show him where he needed to be. GFA was it, he called Criswell and they were more than happy to delay his entry without reapplying for two years so he could attend GFA.

One decision while home alone on a Friday night in a small town as an 18 year old has and will continue to change Michael's life forever. He could have made one phone call to any number of friends and been some place else other than passing out tracts in downtown Dallas which in turn would mean he would have missed GFA, yet he chose to honor God and I believe God is honoring his obedience. To that I say thank you Lord for all you have done so far in him.

I realize he is only in Carrollton less than 2 hours from home but when it comes to your kids unless thay are within arms reach they just as well be around the world some place. God is about to start a work in Michael I think few of us will ever be able to experience and one that I'm truly envious of.

May God bless you and keep you son as you begin your journey in serving our King....


Anonymous said...

Good morning, Mike. I know you're getting ready to go to church, and I will be headed that way shortly myself. It's a good feeling when you see God working in the life of your child, isn't it? To know that all the years of trying to ensure you've instilled in them what God directed through His word and the moving of His Spirit. I do have a question that I can't seem to locate the answer to myself . . . What does GFA stand for? I've wracked the little pea rolling around in my big, mostly empty head, but I just can't seem to come up with an answer. If curiosity killed the cat, I'm about dead! Have a great day in the Lord.

Mike said...

Thanks for the post Dale. The incrediable thing with Michael is the fact I was not a godly influence in his life except for maybe the past 4 years when I myself feel I was truly born again. Recently I have been saying Michael is our poster child for growing in God without being involved in a youth group, God sorrounded him with godly men and women the past two-three years and changed him from the inside out.

I can simply thank God he is so grounded in his faith and loves Jesus so much before heading out in the world.

GFA is Gospel for Asia. Michael is in their road to reality intern program and will spend a year in Carrollton. their HQ, as well as three weeks in India. He is classified as a home missionary and has to raise his own support, 700 per month. Great orginization....Here is the link to read more about them. By the way, I have several books written by the founder KP Yohannen if your are interested.

Anonymous said...

Isn't God good to complete His work even if we aren't always obedient at times? He redeems the time regardless of how we've used or abused it. I'm excited for you and what God is doing in the life of Michael. I know you are simultaneously experiencing with him God's blessings in this area of his life. Thanks for clearing up the mystery of GFA for me. I'll pray for Michael and his journey through and with this organization. Also, thanks for the site address and book information.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I forgot to ask the titles of the books.

Mike said...

The one I would reccomend first is Revolution to World Missions. Very convicting book.