Friday, March 7, 2008


For my morning reading I have been going through the book of Hosea. I read the first 6-7 chapters but was drawn back to chapter 1 because of the response that Hosea had toward God. It's the same response most of the men and women in the Bible had when God spoke, and that response was obedience. I said most, so don't start throwing out all those that weren't obedient as first.

The thing that jumps out to me in verse 2 of chapter 1 is what Hosea heard from God, "go and marry a prostitute who will have illegitimate children..." Remember this is the first time Hosea heard from God according to the Bible. How much questioning, thinking, praying, asking friends, pastors, small group leaders and mentors would we have to do today in trying to figure out if we had truly heard from God?? Never do I remember in the Bible anyone questioning if they had heard from God, they all knew when God spoke and they responded, some rightly others not.

That bothers me because we are given God's promise that He is the same yesterday, today and forever and I have to wonder how much I have missed out on because I sat and thought, was that God, me or the enemy?? Were these people just way more in tune with God than I am?? Did they have daily distractions and excuses for not spending more time with God??

Maybe my only response should be will this glorify God in some way then follow through with what I feel God is telling me. Could Hosea see God being glorified in marrying a prostitute? I think Hosea knew God had a plan and if this is what He wanted who was Hosea to question..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this post, and I have read it three times now, intending to comment but wanting to read the section of Hosea first. However, haven't found the time to do that yet. (hopefully tomorrow) Good me thinking! I'll be back :)