Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lazy Man's Way to Blog

Okay I'll admit I'm lazy. It has been so long since my last post I think this must be how Kenneth feels over at thoughts from a mind.

I have a really good excuse at the moment since I am having a severe allergy attack. I thought it was such a nice day the other day when the front blew through that I opened up the house to let the fresh air in. Little did I know all the Canadians from whence this fresh air originated sent all of their allergens along with the nice breeze. It took maybe 30 minutes of fresh air for me to begin sneezing and snorting like you wouldn't believe. Anyway, I sit here with a beet red nose and eyes to match wishing I didn't have to work tomorrow and thought I better post something.

I figure the quickest way to blog is copy and paste. It's very convienient and takes very little thought or effort, hope you enjoy. Courtesy of Way of the Master Minute.

By the way I'll be going to see Ray Comfort and the gang from Way of the Master this Saturday at Prestonwood in Carrollton. Kenneth, if you read this I'll be more than glad to take you with me since I slammed you earlier...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

God’s Tolerance

The world doesn't understand that God sees their thought-life. The Bible says, "The Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."(1 Samuel 16:6-7)

The world also makes the mistake of thinking that God's moral standards are the same as ours. They presume that He tolerates lying and stealing, and that He isn't too concerned about murder and adultery.

This is why we must use God's Law to bring the knowledge of sin and show it to be exceedingly sinful. We do that by opening it up to show its spiritual nature-that God requires truth in the inward parts-that He considers lust to be adultery, and hatred to be murder.

That knowledge helps to drive sinners toward the mercy of God in Christ. There goes another minute. Gone forever. Go share your faith while you still have time.


Cherie said...

I hope you are feeling better. I just got on line to see what it is exactly that is in the air that has made everyone so sick. I have felt like death warmed over all week. My sinuses are ON FIRE!
The meds. I have been taking every 4 hrs. only cause me to feel like a itchy, watery eyed, zombie.

Anonymous said...

I'm here with ya Mike...I had to take Benedryl 3 nights in a row just to sleep..I wish the weather in Texas would just stay the same for 2 days in a row so our sinuses/allergies could be under

Dreama said...

Admitting your problem is the first step to getting help!!